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Freeman • 1 year ago

First thoughts:
I don't see how these Wallfacers are going to build the foundation to beat the Trisolarans. The odds are stacked against them if every move they make is open book and their bickering...

If humans are like ants to them, then these Trisolarans are taking an awfully cautious approach through excess monitoring. I mean would you monitor the ants on the street as you walk?
Edit: Nvm it's the ETO that's doing the excessive monitoring. The Trisolarans are indeed taking a hands off approach while just letting the ETO have access to the sophons.

Lol at Luo Ji. Renounced his title but unfortunately, it looks to be a permanent lifetime non-refundable title once given.

Ouch even the assassin thought Luo Ji was a waste of time after meeting him.

Some person • 1 year ago

That's the thing, the moves they make aren't an open book. The point of the Wallfacers are to lie about everything, so everything that they've shown is a lie and everything they will show are all lies as well. No one else is told what their actual plans are, everything is a facade. The bickering is partially real due to each of the wallpacers trying to get resources for their individual plans but a lot of it are fake as well. basically, everything you are told and shown right now could be a lie. for example, wallfacer A can ask for objects 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, but only 2 and 5 are for his actual plan while the rest are all distractions or maybe more objects are needed but how they're used are completely different

dalvus • 1 year ago

I don't see how these Wallfacers are going to build the foundation to beat the Trisolarans.
-Isn't that the whole point ?

JJA • 1 year ago

Even more cultivator vibes maybe later there will be a VR cultivator fight 👀. Can't think of a reason why real cultivators have to go so far to deal with modern day human but would be cool if it really was cultivators.

Interesting with the wallbreaker in villains side using the late greats Aristotle, Mozi,and Von Neumann names. If they can recreate personalities/knowledge of late greats and upload them into people will be interesting to see who else they bring in.

Finally we know why villains are after mc and finally mc starting to realize why he was picked. The assassins disappointment in mc was funny though.

Some person • 1 year ago

no cultivation, only science fiction aliens. this show actually started with the second book in the series so you're missing a bit of information. All the "cultivation" looking-like parts are actually part of a game created by the ETO to recruit members for the trisillarians. And no recreation of personalities/knowledge, they're just usernames.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Huh, this is literally science fiction, how did you watch it and still think cultivation?? Your whole comment is 100% completely wrong lmao, literally every word smh.

Freeman • 1 year ago

Haven't read the series but you're not going to find any 'cultivators' in a Hugo Award winning hard sci fi novel and its adaptions.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Am I the only one annoyed by the mc, he's always throwing shii, calm TF down and stfu smh!! Damn, I hope he isn't like this the whole series because I can't take that. I get his frustration and mixed emotions about this whole predicament, but quit acting like a child and be a fcking man!!

I want to see an all out frontal attack from the Jinns XD.

Nan9akojo • 6 months ago

I think the wallfacers are just decoys..
They just distracting the Trisolarans while the main action is happening elsewhere

JJ • 1 year ago

where is eps 6?